Dr. Lisa Best offers personalized consultations that are designed to support each patient’s unique health goals. She utilizes nutrition to facilitate healing, and employs a holistic approach in creating a “perfect diet” that fits into your lifestyle.

Dr. Best specializes in inflammatory diseases, including autoimmune illnesses, autism, IBS, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer.

Lisa adheres to the teachings of Dr. Keith Scott Mumby who’s known as one of the world’s leading experts in food allergies. The research outlined in his book, Diet Wise, inspired Dr. Lisa’s approach to holistic healthcare.

It’s her belief that healing a leaky gut – often caused by food allergies and sensitivities, environmental toxins, and stress – is the first step in improving a patient’s overall health, and in healing his or her physical ailments.

Consider yourself an excellent candidate for an evaluation by Dr. Best if you suffer from any of the following:

  • over- or underweight
  • persistent fatigue
  • occasional swellings
  • heart palpitations
  • excessive sweating

The main principles of Dr. Best’s philosophy are:

  • Eating what you shouldn’t does far more damage than not eating what you should.
  • Toxic or incompatible foods are different for everyone.
  • Some specialized diets can make people’s health worse.
  • There’s only one right diet for you, and you’re the highest authority on your health!

We live in a world of information overload. With all the varying advice, and countless trendy diets out there, it’s easy to get confused about how to attain optimal health. Dr. Lisa’s mantra is – “While there’s not a perfect diet for everybody, there’s a perfect diet for you.” If you suspect that you’re suffering from food allergies, sensitivities, or uncontrollable cravings, or if you just feel unwell in general, Dr. Lisa can help!

Lisa Best MBA, Ph.D, CCN, RD, LDN is the mother of three children, two of whom are Duke University graduates. Her eleven-year old son lives with her and her husband, Chris, in a solar-powered log cabin in northern Orange County. She’s a native North Carolinian and a UNC-CH alumni.