Integrative Health Center of Chapel Hill is conveniently located in northern Chapel Hill, minutes off I-40 and Martin Luther King Blvd on Weaver Dairy Rd in the Chapel Hill 40 office complex across from Timberlyne Shopping Center.
From I-40:
Exit 266 (NC-86).
Travel south towards Chapel Hill.
Left onto Weaver Dairy Rd at the major intersection of Weaver Dairy Rd and MLK Blvd.
Drive to first stop light.
Left at light into the Chapel Hill 40 office complex.
Enter Boyd Hall, the brick office building on the right.
The Center is on the first floor in Suite 110.
Note: The Center can be entered from the lobby or off the patio in the back of the building. The patio is located at the top of the walk-up ramp to the right of the building.
From Chapel Hill traveling north on Martin Luther King Blvd:
Turn right onto Weaver Dairy Rd at the intersection of and Weaver Dairy Rd and MLK Blvd.
Drive to first stop light.
Left at light into the Chapel Hill 40 office complex.
Enter Boyd Hall, the brick office building on the right.
The Center is on the first floor in Suite 110.
Note: The Center can be entered from the lobby or off the patio in the back of the building. The patio is located at the top of the walk-up ramp to the right of the building.
From 15/501 Traveling South from Durham:
Right onto Erwin Road.
Left onto Weaver Dairy Rd at stop light.
Follow Weaver Dairy Rd past East Chapel Hill High School and Carol Woods Retirement Community.
Turn Right at next light after Carol Woods into the Chapel Hill 40 office complex.
Enter Boyd Hall, the brick office building on the right.
The Center on the first floor in Suite 110.
Note: The Center can be entered from the lobby or off the patio in the back of the building. The patio is located at the top of the walk-up ramp to the right of the building.
From 15/501 Traveling North from Chapel Hill:
U-Turn off 15/501 and turn right onto Erwin Rd.
Left onto Weaver Dairy Rd at stop light.
Follow Weaver Dairy Rd past East Chapel Hill High School and Carol Woods Retirement Community.
Turn Right at next light after Carol Woods into the Chapel Hill 40 office complex.
Enter Boyd Hall, the brick office building on the right.
The Center is on the first floor in Suite 110.
Note: The Center can be entered from the lobby or off the patio in the back of the building. The patio is located at the top of the walk-up ramp to the right of the building.
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